Monday 11 June 2012

Video: Man Throws His Own Intestines at Police, "zombie like" virus?

        So we all (well most of us) heard about 31 year old Eugene who stripped himself naked and ate the face of Ronal poppo, 65, on saturday. Police and doctors in miami believe he was under the influence of some illegal drugs (bath salt), which has not been confirmed yet. Police shot and killed Eugene when he refused to stop eating poppo's face. there has been controversies on whether or not the world is coming to an end/ zombie apocalypse or it's all just the effects of these "illegal drugs".
       The end of times has been yelled long enough and even played in movies like apocalypse 2012. It has also been predicted that the world will end in December 2012 and i keep saying to myself "we are not GOD, so we can't predict when the world will end" but honestly, all these strange things happening all around us keeps me pondering. I mean people eating other people in the past two weeks? is beef that scarce in the market now? Anyway, here's a list of a few cases lately:
1) Eugene, 31, who ate 75% of  poppo's face, 65.
2) Porn star (male) here in Canada stabs boyfriend while recording, eats him and mails part of the body to some politicians.
3) Wayne carter, 43, stabs himself repeatedly and throws his own intestine at cops (psychotic already)
4) Man splits his own head open and spits blood on cops.
5)  Boyfriend bites girlfriend's lips off.
6)  33-year-old mother from texas dismembered her 3week old infant with a knife and two swords and ate part of his brain and later claimed that the devil told her to do it. (link)
7) Kenyan man in Maryland kills and eats Ghanaian's brain and heart.

Hmmmm.... some of these cannibalistic acts have been blamed on the use of bath salt although it has not been confirmed. The most despicable story so far to me is wayne carter,43, who on the 8th of june, threatened to kill himself and eventually stabbed himself repeatedly and threw his own intestines at the police. Wow!! bizarre things. jeez!!

My own question now is do you all think the world is ending soon? Or should these drugs be blamed? Or all these things happening randomly?

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